6 Months Post Stage 1 RFF Phalloplasty

For this month’s update, I’ll be doing a full review on where I was at just under a month post-op, compared to now. This will probably end up being the last monthly comparison I do for this stage, since stage 2 is this Thursday. I’ll still endeavour to update on how my arm is healing. 

These last 6 months have simultaneously been some of the quickest and slowest ever. The amount of healing that has occurred during this time has been phenomenal – and I’m so pleased with what has been achieved so far. It hasn’t been without issue (the Month of the Green Arm will forever be a standout in my mind, I think), but these last 6 months have further solidified that this journey needed to happen; and have been a testament to some of the extremes your body can pull through, if you stick with it. 

Movement now is just as good, if not better than prior to surgery. I was back on a motorbike before cycling, and haven’t had any issues at all. 

I’m back to running again without pain, just trying to get my stamina back up again going again – although I wasn’t able to start running until after my arm had fully healed, and the stamina will go down the drain again after Thursday!


Things with the arm are going swimmingly, if I do say so myself. This time 6 months ago, Scott was removing the top layer of skin. Whilst it’s still in it’s healing stages, and I have a lot of scar tissue that needs to settle down – on the whole I’m extremely happy.

This month I played with being in public without a sleeve on my arm. The first time happened accidentally, when I forgot to take my sleeve and realised halfway to the shops… I found that on the whole – people don’t give a s*** if you have a massive scar in a visible place, and the ones that do – either politely ask, or don’t ask. In fact, I’ve had more questions about why I have a sleeve on, than I have about the scar.

Pictures are below. No comparison this month because I’m on my phone, not the computer. Instead you’ve got pictures from each side. 


On the whole, I’m very happy with how things look at this stage. I’ve been lucky that I’ve not experienced any shrinkage, and the general look is pretty good this far.

I have a minor area on the tip of my penis that has a thicker scar than the rest. This could cause some issues with urination post stage 2, but we’re just going to wait and see at the moment.

Feeling is slowly but surely getting there. I now have some form of feeling through the whole shaft from bottom to top on both sides. The left is just starting to come through – with sensation being felt by a gentle pinch. The right side now feels even the lightest touches, but it is still slightly displaced in the pubic mound area (getting closer!!). And!!! Most excitingly, over the last week: I’ve started to be able to feel sensation from my penis in my clitoris. At the moment it’s very very subtle, only in one area, and I wouldn’t describe the feeling as erotic just yet… but it’s there. Hopefully it’ll continue to grow – but we’ll have to see how much stage 2 shocks it. 


My bum scars have healed quite well. The scarring isn’t too extensive, and has healed quite thinly. There is some minor dog-earring, but I want to get to my goal weight before I start thinking about revisions.