Stage 3 Revision – 2 Weeks Post-op

I delayed this week’s post because I was going back to work and figured it was worth waiting the extra day.

Saw Hans on Monday and got my staples taken out. There was a bit of confusion regarding a staple-remover that the hospital was supposed to send me home with (ASK THIS QUESTION IF YOU HAVE STAPLES!!) but we got there in the end! I’ve been warned very extensively about making sure I don’t overdo things too. Apparently even getting out of breath from a brisk walk at his stage could do some damage… So I’m allowed to breathe and slowly wander from place to place. We’ll reassess in a fortnight.

As I mentioned above, I started back to work today (Friday). I have a desk job, so I figured there wouldn’t be much difference between sitting at the desk and sitting at home… Just a smaller screen with less interesting things happening on it… What I didn’t take into account was just how exhausting the frequent sitting and standing would be! I lasted until just after lunch and then finished for the day. Hopefully by Monday I’ll be a bit better again.


Things appear to be healing well. I have a dressing over my scar to try to get it to heal nice and thin. Every now and then I get a bit of a twinge internally, but it just feels like a light pulling rather than anything actually being wrong.


I continued taking the paracetamol until probably Tuesday, and I have t had any since then. I think the staples made me more aware of everything than I gave them credit for.

Pain / Movement

Still no dramas with the movement side of things. I actually have to keep reminding myself that I need to be mindful of how I move certain ways. The main reason I was getting tired at work today was because I was getting up without bracing or using my hands. It wasn’t painful – I was just using my abs instead of my arms, and that gets tiring after a while.

Stage 3 Revision – 1 Week Post-op

A week already? Feels like it was only earlier today that I was getting released from hospital…

Looking back, I’ve regained a significant amount of movement and speed in the last week. This surgery has been nothing like the others; and I’m assuming that’s going to come with its own inherent risks (I’m terrible for doing things earlier than I should, because I feel like I can).

It’s difficult to say how I feel things have gone, because I think it’s probably still to early to tell. I don’t appear to have an infection (yet) though, so that’s a bonus in my eyes!


I just have the one wound that you can see – it’s along the same incision line as the one used for stage 3. Apparently it looks like an appendectomy scar (for those looking for a way to explain away your scars), but I’m happy to tell people it was a hernia repair.

The wound itself looks… Fine? I can’t really tell because I still have the dressing on. I obviously still have the staples in too – although that’ll all come off when I see Hans on Monday.

The swelling in my stomach has gone down considerably over the past week too. I’m quite pleased about this, because I was a little concerned.


Initially I was on the following:

  • Antibiotics twice a day
  • Paracetamol every 6 hours
  • Ibuprofen every 6 hours (offset 3hrs from the paracetamol)
  • Throat lozenges with anaesthetic in them as required.

Note: the ibuprofen and throat lozenges weren’t prescribed, they’re just a habit I’ve gotten into with pain relief post surgeries. Also, I WAS prescribed some Endone, but I never ended up taking any.

I’m now only on the paracetamol, and I take that when I remember I’m due some.

Pain / Movement

I have full range of movement – I just have to do certain things significantly slower than others. I only really seem to get any pain when I fully stretch or contract my abdominals… So sitting on the lounge is fine, but bending over to touch my toes is uncomfortable… Lying on my back is fine, but stretching isn’t an enjoyable experience.

I’ve perfected my coughing and sneezing techniques. I’ve actually found that a whole roll of toilet paper is the perfect size and firmness to use as a brace when required.

Stage 3 Revision – 6 Days Post-op

Another fairly quiet day. I decided to push myself a little bit to get an idea of the range of motions that are comfortable…

In general, by now I can move most ways without issue. I do get tired very quickly though. The movements I start getting twinges with, seem to involve the pushing and pulling motions (like vacuuming), and anything that involves bending over for a period of time (emptying the dishwasher, feeding animals etc).

I haven’t pushed my lifting limits – because I’m less than a week post-op and I’d almost certainly manage to split my incisions open if I tried.

I’m getting there with my steps. I’m up to an average of around 3800 steps a day now, and today is like to get over 5000… After I see Hans next week, my plan is to start going outside for little walks and build up from there. I’m setting my post-op review as the bench for me going outside for walks, because otherwise I’d just end up going for a long walk and damaging myself again.

One week post-op tomorrow. It’s gone quicker than I was expecting it to, but I still can’t wait to be up and going again!

Stage 3 Revision – 4 Days Post-op

0820: I slept a bit better again last night, and I even managed to sleep on my left side! I think that probably helped with the sleeping to be honest – I can’t sleep on my back without constantly waking up.

This morning was also the first morning since surgery that I haven’t woken up with a sore throat! Woo! I’ve still got this weird feeling that feels like a bit of hair wrapped over my tongue, but that should go away soon I would hope!

I’ve also managed to only be on paracetamol since 11 last night, missing both my 1am and 7am ibuprofen tablets. I’m not in any pain – so it seemed pointless taking the additional medication.

1227: Just sneezed properly for the first time. My god that was painful… But I don’t seem to have injured myself which is good!

2120: All in all, a better day again than yesterday. I’m hoping that it’ll just be a continuous curve this time around. It’ll be nice to be done with surgeries for a while…

I started getting a little sore around dinner time. That could have had something to do with me making dinner… No heavy lifting! I was just up a bit longer and doing a bit more. That being said, the soreness disappeared not long after I stopped – so I’m taking it as a good thing.

The swelling in my stomach continues to go down a bit more each day so far. It’d be good if it just kept going, lol. Hopefully a change in diet will kick that into gear!

Stage 3 Revision – 3 Days Post-op

0435: I’ve woken up in a large amount of pain. I think this might have something to do with being in my own bed. In hospital I always have myself raised up a bit, but at home you’re completely flat. I’ll take some paracetamol and see what that does for it.

0800: Well I managed to get back to sleep for a bit, but I’m still a bit uncomfortable, so I’ve stuck another pillow behind me to see if that helps any.. I tried sleeping on my sides, but that was horribly uncomfortable. When I tried to sleep on the right – I felt like I was squashing everything, when I tried the left – I felt like everything was pulling and trying to fall out. Obviously this is mainly psychological, and I probably would’ve been fine – but I’m not risking it.

I’ve slept with my little padding brace against me all night too – it didn’t do much bracing, but at the very least it stopped me rolling onto my sides!

My throat is still sore from the tubes and anaesthetic, I’ve actually found the little throat lozenges with anaesthetic in them help quite a lot – so I’ve been taking a couple of those a day.

2055: It’s been a good day.

I’m moving much better than yesterday – although it does take a minute or so to get going. The swelling in my stomach looks like it’s gone down a bit too, which is good. I’ve put a picture below so you can see the staples and everything.

I’ve already done the reacting-to-something thing… I dropped a spoon and reacted to catch it. Thankfully it didn’t drop too far (from chest height to waist height), but it still took my breath away a bit.

I’m taking anti inflammatories as well as the paracetamol for pain relief. This seems to be working well as I’ve staggered the timings, so I’ve got three hours between taking medication. At the moment that’s around when I start getting sore, so I’ll probably give it a couple days before changing anything too dramatically.

I took a nap around 1pm because I was exhausted. Not from anything in particular – mainly just being up and moving around.

I’ve taken a reading of how many steps I did today (2476). The goal is to start creeping those steps up again… I figure if I can be doing at least 8000 around the house by the time I go back to work – I’ll be happy.

Stage 3 Revision – 2 Days Post-op

0800: Slept a bit better last night… only woke up every three hours instead of every two, lol. I was a bit uncomfortable during the night because of the pain in my stomach from the coconut, but otherwise I slept pretty well.

0836: Had (hopefully) my last dose of IV antibiotics not long ago. And the urology guys just came around and confirmed I can go home today! Woo!

1123: I’m free!! Dad’s just coming to pick me up now. I’ve been given some Endone, Paracetamol and some antibiotics to take over the next couple weeks. I haven’t needed the Endone so far – but it’s good to know it’s there…

1139: Waiting out the front to be picked up. I didn’t think properly about my clothing for leaving the hospital… the shorts I have aren’t all that forgiving of post-operative swelling… thankfully my underwear is a bit larger, so I don’t have any restrictions there… might have to take some painkillers for the car ride…

1605: I’m home. And in pain. We broke the trip up by stopping at my parent’s before my wife took me home. Unfortunately I don’t think two car rides is good for me at the moment lol.

On the whole, I do feel better than yesterday. The aching is much better than yesterday, and the pain from being poked (or moving too quick) is less than yesterday too.

That being said, I think my body is starting to recognise that I’m home, and is starting to relax a bit more… might go for a nap.

Stage 3 Revision – 1 Day Post-op

0730: Slept alright. Woke up every couple of hours, but I got back to sleep each time pretty quickly.

Hans just came in for a review. He seemed happy with how things are looking, but confirmed that I’ll be in hospital another night for another lot of IV antibiotics. The issue is that if I get an infection – the whole prosthetic has to come out; and we definitely don’t want that!

0929: One of the nurses just came in and disconnected me from my PCA and IV line. I still have the port in my hand – but other than that, I’m wireless! I’ve also asked to get the port in my elbow removed. It’s only to be used for anaesthetic, and I have no plans on having any again anytime soon – so it might as well come out!

Now that I don’t have the PCA attached anymore, I don’t need the oxygen tubes up my nostrils either. To be honest I forgot to put them back in after I got up this morning anyway, so they weren’t going to last much longer.

1007: Just had my first shower. I wasn’t feeling yucky before – but I’m feeling much better now. It’s just nice to be clean lol.

I seem to have full range of movement, but I’m moving REALLY carefully. This will probably be the case until the swelling all goes down I would assume.

1104: Opened bowels for the first time (woo!). Sorry if this is a little bit too much information, but I felt like I was pushing more than I would like – so I asked if I could be given a stool softener. I really don’t want to have to come back, and the Movicol really does make a big difference. I’m only on 1 sachet twice a day, but that should be fine.

Pain-wise I’m doing fine. It just feels a bit like a bruise. Coughing and blowing my nose is a bit of an interesting endeavour at the moment. I’ve got a little pillow brace to hold against my side, and my rolling technique is getting better and better lol. Just waiting for someone to come and put my sexy stockings back on, and I’ll go for a walk around the ward.

2132: All in all, not a bad day today. I’m in a bit of discomfort this evening, I think sitting isn’t the best position to be in all the time at the moment. And I have a strong suspicion the catering staff neglected to write down my coconut allergy, which is now causing some gut pains.. but otherwise not a bad day.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get discharged, and I can go home.

Ultrasound Results

I spoke to Hans today. He actually called yesterday afternoon, but I missed the call, and it didn’t turn up on my call log until 5 hours later (thanks phone / telco)…

So it’s been all but confirmed that part of the reservoir is sitting laterally to where it should be. The plan is to go in and fix it.

It won’t be a true hernia operation – because he has to open up the muscle-wall anyway. Basically Hans will go in and place the reservoir where it would have been placed originally. I asked whether we should wait until I’ve lost the rest of the weight first, and he said that the only real difference it makes is to the complexity of the operation.

I can continue to work out (although I’ve been advised against activities such as boxing), and my plan is to really hammer out the diet and exercise between now and surgery to give myself the best chance. It would’ve been nice to have gotten the all-clear, but some things need to be experienced so they can be written about…

I’m in relatively good spirits all in all. I think I’ve known this was a problem for a while, so I’ve already dealt with it. It helps too that I’m in a better mental frame of mind than I was last year. Now that we’ve moved to Brisbane, I’ll actually be able to heal at home too – which makes a MASSIVE difference. My wife may not be the greatest at Post-op care – I think I have us covered there – but she’s all I want when I’m feeling down, so it’ll be nice to be around her.

I’ll keep you all informed of what’s going on when I find out more.

Voiding Issue

*** Note: I am not a medical professional, and the way that I have dealt with this issue should NOT be taken as the best way to deal with it. If you start having issues urinating at any point in time, your first point of call is your doctor. If you are unable to pass urine at all – go to the emergency department!***

In the interest of spreading information, I’m going to go through this in detail. I think that skimming over details for something like this isn’t in the best interest of those who might experience similar things…
*sigh* Ok, lets start from the beginning….

I’ve been experiencing pain whilst urinating since my catheter was removed back in April. I think Hans and I have been running with the idea that it was just tight from scarring, and that it should sort itself out in time as the scar tissue softens.

Because of this, in order to urinate, I have to manoeuvre things in a variety of ways. Not only to assist urine to pass in a stream (rather than just spurting around everywhere), but also to get the last dregs of urine out of my urethra. The latter generally involves a lot of pushing and shaking.

Anyway! So last Wednesday I noticed I was starting to need to move things a bit more to get urinating. By Thursday I was having to urinate and then gently squeeze under my scrotum and the shaft of my phallus to get urine flowing. By Friday, I was barely urinating at all, and I was starting to feel quite a bit of pain. Over the course of the weekend I got to the point where I could only void in drops – about 1-2 drops a second. 

The pain that goes along with it is horrible. If I don’t need to go – it’s fine. But the need to pee comes on so quickly and severely that it can double me over in pain at times; and then I get to the toilet and can only pass urine 1-2 drops per second. It’s probably the closest to a 10 on the painscale I’ve ever come (I consider a 10 to be passed out from pain), and I need to remind myself to breathe at times.

I spoke to Hans and he moved my appointment to see him from June to 22nd May (it was the earliest I could see him). I told him I’d try to get a urethragram done up here to save him doing it, and he mentioned that I might need to be recatheterised via suprapubic catheter.

Over the course of the weekend, nothing got better. I did discover that if I lay down in the shower, the angle somehow made it easier to pee – so I spent a lot of time in there. But by far the most humiliating thing so far has been having to use incontinence pads again. Because I’m only passing urine in drops – it doesn’t have the force behind it to get everything out. As a result, I drip constantly through the day. I have had a couple occasions where I was only using a normal pad – and I leaked through it, my underwear and had a wet patch on the back of my shorts… Whilst I was at work… My advice? Just get the incontinence pads and suck it up. It’s better than the alternative.

By Monday, I’d been convinced that I should probably speak to a doctor about it. After explaining the situation and letting him know that Hans had advised an SPC and urethragram when possible, he got on the phone, called the X-ray department to arrange it, and ran a urine test. Which is where things got complicated. 

He had organised a urethragram appointment but no SPC. When I asked about the SPC, I was told I could wait a week longer to see Hans before getting one placed. I got a call not long after he spoke to Hans, and he suddenly decided an SPC might not be such a bad idea after all.

I went in for the urethragram on Wednesday morning, but they refused to do it because I was having so much trouble urinating. The X-ray department sent me to the emergency department for an SPC placement… Who promptly told me that they weren’t going to place one. Instead they ran some blood and urine tests, told me I was showing signs of an infection, gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

At this point I was between beyond caring, and absolutely livid. The next day I was called in to see my doctor to discuss the results of the urine test I did on Monday. The infection I had was resistant to the strain of antibiotics the hospital had put me on – so they changed them. I was asked if I wanted to pursue the catheter placement, but I told him that I just wanted to be left alone at that point, because I was beyond caring.

So!! To today. 

I’ve been on the antibiotics for almost 5 days now. The pain is significantly reduced, but it’s still difficult to urinate.

I had my appointment with Hans during my urethragram yesterday afternoon. It turns out I have a stricture – it’s not very long, but it’s really tight. As in, can’t-see-the-contrast-dye-going-through-the-urethra-at-all tight. I need a stricture-repair to fix the issue. 

At the moment it looks like it’ll be next week sometime. Much like after stage two, I’ll have a suprapubic catheter and a urethral catheter in initially, then I’ll go down to just the suprapubic before getting that out too. Hans said that he’ll probably leave the suprapubic in for a bit longer just to let things heal quicker – and I’m more than happy for that to occur. He did ask if I’d be okay uncatheterised until surgery, and I told him that things were moving along a bit easier than they were last week – so that should be fine.

He wants me to stay on the antibiotics until surgery, and said that he’s hoping just to go in, cut out the stricture and sew the two sides together. I *may* wake up with a buccal mucosa graft having been taken from my mouth though – we’ll see. 

All in all, I’m not feeling too bad about it all. If I’m going to have issues, I’d rather have them now than later on. I’ll get more information on everything over the next few days.