Stage 3 Revision – 1 Day Post-op

0730: Slept alright. Woke up every couple of hours, but I got back to sleep each time pretty quickly.

Hans just came in for a review. He seemed happy with how things are looking, but confirmed that I’ll be in hospital another night for another lot of IV antibiotics. The issue is that if I get an infection – the whole prosthetic has to come out; and we definitely don’t want that!

0929: One of the nurses just came in and disconnected me from my PCA and IV line. I still have the port in my hand – but other than that, I’m wireless! I’ve also asked to get the port in my elbow removed. It’s only to be used for anaesthetic, and I have no plans on having any again anytime soon – so it might as well come out!

Now that I don’t have the PCA attached anymore, I don’t need the oxygen tubes up my nostrils either. To be honest I forgot to put them back in after I got up this morning anyway, so they weren’t going to last much longer.

1007: Just had my first shower. I wasn’t feeling yucky before – but I’m feeling much better now. It’s just nice to be clean lol.

I seem to have full range of movement, but I’m moving REALLY carefully. This will probably be the case until the swelling all goes down I would assume.

1104: Opened bowels for the first time (woo!). Sorry if this is a little bit too much information, but I felt like I was pushing more than I would like – so I asked if I could be given a stool softener. I really don’t want to have to come back, and the Movicol really does make a big difference. I’m only on 1 sachet twice a day, but that should be fine.

Pain-wise I’m doing fine. It just feels a bit like a bruise. Coughing and blowing my nose is a bit of an interesting endeavour at the moment. I’ve got a little pillow brace to hold against my side, and my rolling technique is getting better and better lol. Just waiting for someone to come and put my sexy stockings back on, and I’ll go for a walk around the ward.

2132: All in all, not a bad day today. I’m in a bit of discomfort this evening, I think sitting isn’t the best position to be in all the time at the moment. And I have a strong suspicion the catering staff neglected to write down my coconut allergy, which is now causing some gut pains.. but otherwise not a bad day.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get discharged, and I can go home.

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